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We haven’t had that spirit here since 1969!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I love listening to older music, I am a nut for 70’s rock and 80’s dance music and when I hear something from that time it takes me back to the place or what I was doing when I listened to the song before and I am flooded with memories. I think all your senses can be stimulated the same way, certain smells can take me back, baking snickerdoodles puts me right in my Grandma Edie’s kitchen and the holidays. The smell of walking into the lumber department at Lowe’s takes me back to the first house I built. The smell of baby oil reminds me of laying out in the sun before Prom in High School. (Being pink for the prom was HOT at Yorktown High School).

Sometimes I taste and then drink wines that remind me of songs. I even met a sommelier who says he pairs wine with genre’s of music more than food. I always think of Michael Buble’s I Just Haven’t Met You Yet, when I drink Sparkling wine. I think of Lady Antebellum’s I Need You Now when I drink Zinfandel. I think of M People’s Movin’ on Up, when I drink Rose. I love to think of Alice Di’s Better off Alone, when I am drinking Sauvignon Blanc by the poo and I always think about Miles Davis when I drink Cabernet. ( I know I have a wide variety of music that I enjoy).

Last night we went to our favorite pizza place in the world Dough in San Antonio, Texas, when I am in Texas, I eat here at least once a week..the hand made burrata and pizza is insane…seriously, insane. I always check out the wine list and sometimes I do am awesome job pairing and sometimes I miss the mark pairing the wine with the food. (If you go there order the Winter Burrata, the special salad and Pork Love Pizza with garlic) My wine selection last night was Petroni 2005 Poggio Alla Pietra Brunello di Sonoma Estate Grown. This wine alone made the evening amazing, but when I took the first sniff…The Eagles song Hotel California, just started playing in my head…you know the melody played by the guitar at the beginning. Every sip as this wine was opening up really rocked my world and it paired so nicely with every single course of our meal. I wanted to buy another bottle and sit on their patio and just spend the night.

The wine was rich and lush but for some reason I felt a real freedom while drinking it. It drank like it was “lighter” in my mouth instead of a big “heavy” wine. It was a 2005 and had some real sediment in the bottom of the bottle which was no biggie to me, but it did freak out my dining partner and server. The wine and the song Hotel California are now stuck in my head and I have already called my local wine shop to see if they stock the Petroni.

I am in luck the wine shop carries the Petroni and I have them holding a case of it for me and I am heading over to pick it up in a bit. I plan on trying many wines this weekend and I will share the ones I love with you next week!

If you try anything I should know about, let me know! I would hate to miss out on a great wine!

Much LOVE and wine,


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