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Valparaiso, Vina del Mar Chile, lost luggage and no cash…YIKES!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

The beach in Vina del Mar, Chile

Good Morning!

Ok so day 3 in Chile was my “touristy” day. On this morning the driver and the interpreter came to pick me up and they informed me it would be yet another day before I would have my luggage. I was getting tired of the 3 day jeans and I did want some hair products at some point but I jumped in the van and off we headed from Santiago northwest to the port area called Vina del Mar. it was a short hour and 30 minute drive and we stopped at a winery on the beautiful drive over.

I had been told by a friend that Valparaiso might be the most colorful place they had ever seen. He might have been right. All the houses where painted bright colors and they were wedged together even more tightly than in San Francisco. The areas we drove through had lots of graffiti and it was apparent that if you lived there, you were either very wealthy or not. It seemed to not have a middle class at this point.

But later as we drove around and found a mall so I could purchase some undies and a clean shirt or two, I could have been in any mall in the states. Everyone in Chile is very friendly and Valpo was no exception. We next head a little further north to Vina del Mar. Beautiful beach front, much like So Cal in the Santa Monica area, but the houses were again more closely packed together. It was a bit overcast but very beautiful. I would easily go there again in a heartbeat.

This next part of my story is the only negative part of my entire trip. I was dropped off at my hotel and later was to meet folks for dinner. So I thought, I will walk into Vina del Mar and find some hair products and perhaps some wine to take with me to the dinner. I had a great walk and took tons of pictures. I found a wine shop got a great bottle of wine and then thought, I better get some pesos for the taxi ride later. I inserted my debt card and it was instantly swallowed and I was staring at the ATM. Easy fix I thought, I will call the bank and all will be well. I went to use my cell and seeing it was almost dead thought I better head to the hotel to charge it up…my adapter was in my luggage…UGH. no adapter..no store in the area sold them.

I get back to the hotel, made two calls that cost $86.00 dollars and was told my bank account had been compromised and they saw the overseas transaction and was sure my card had been stolen. So, I sat in the hotel room with a great bottle of wine, no cash, no clean clothes, no hair products. I did what any self respecting woman would do..I called and canceled dinner, and drank the bottle of wine and watched Spanish TV.

So, my learning on day 3 was this, I am happy I packed an extra shirt, undies and socks in my backpack. I was glad I bought wine before my debit card was gone and I was concerned that 3 checks I had written before I left would be bouncing around before they figured out how my bank account was compromised. I was also glad that the next day my luggage would final arrive and I would start working because 1 day playing tourist had worn me out.

By the way the wine was Cuvee Alexandre by Lapostolle the Cabernet 2008 from Clos Apalta….fantastic with the mini bar snacks like Pringle’s and Snickers, if you are ever in the same situation.

The next day started out with to winery visits and I will tell you about Concha y Toro and Cousino Macul in tomorrow’s blog.

Much LOVE and wine,


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