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Pairing the GOP Debates with wine!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

Last night I watched the 8 GOP candidates debate about how the US can turn around and I was entertained, educated and I had some thought provoking moments. I love watching politics, I love the verbal battles and I love knowing that at the heart of each politician is someone who “thinks” they have a way to make the world a better place. I hold anyone who wants to spend their career doing what they think help others in a good place in my mind. Over the years, many folks have gotten so jaded, I prefer to see the good. It’s like saying all people in sales are just like those “Used Car” salesmen…that’s not fair to people who do the right thing for their clients and products and make a good living.

But anyway, let’s talk about wine and politicians….Here is what I would have paired with the candidates last night…

Rick Perry – He came across as a big, bold, take no prisoners drive a truck, life is either black or white and the answers are simple and the process will be tough, John Wayne sort of cowboy…so if I were to relate this to a wine, I would say the best wine that matches his personality would be a really young, Napa Cabernet, straight from the barrel before it has settled down. It might age out or be blended out so people can enjoy it in the future.

Herman Cain – This guy is really down to earth and smooth, very matter of fact and smart. He has a lot of business background, so he comes from a place of the “working family”. Herman would be perfect with a well aged Merlot and a New York Strip.

Newt Gingrigh – Back in the day Newt was the deal, he was so respected and he welded some political muscle. He is still a smart guy but when I hear him talk all I hear is the teacher from Charlie Brown, “Wah, Wah, Wah”…I have not idea why I think he is not really a contender, but it’s just my thought. Newt if I am going to pair you with anything, you are one of those wines that you are given at a retirement party, with the custom label that says “Happy Retirement Joe, We will Miss You”. The wine is bulk made with who knows what grapes but it is a nice idea for everyone to take home a bottle.

Michelle Bachmann – She is an interesting candidate in my mind, mom of 7 and foster mom of 20 plus kids, she looks great and is very quick to discuss her religious and personal views, she is to me, Sarah Palin 2.0…I like her energy but I think she lacks substance. If I were to pair her with a wine, there is a new wine brand out there called Naked, it is lovely but kinda lacks depth.

Mitt Romney – I think Mitt shows well. He is smooth and articulate and I may or may not think his record in MA is good, he is comfortable in any situation, does not seem to get to upset and asks great questions and he is complex….Mitt, you are paired white fine Burgundy. Both the wine and Mitt seem to be very polished.

Ron Paul – This is a smart and experienced man, one comment on twitter by Peter Dunn “Pete The Planner”, said Ron Paul is one hard candy away from yelling, you kids get off my lawn! Hahaha…he does come across as angry, but he loves the country and is willing to be unruly in his message delivery. He is perfectly paired with A really, tannin drenched Syrah from down under.

Jon Huntsman – If I closed my eyes while he was talking, I could believe him, but when my eyes were open, all I could see was the political version of George Hamilton. Dude, the make-up or fake tan, you look like Snooki’s uncle. This candidate has a HUGE successful political record in Utah…Very low unemployment, strong economy, high morality etc…or at least that is what he claims. He has a smooth, articulate, direct manner, he is kinda “salemanish” to me, but with his high level of success, his smooth and confident delivery, He pairs best with an aged Bordeaux from a “left bank” producer.

Rick Santorum – When Rick Santorum spoke about himself in 3rd person….I could not take him seriously… I am sorry, he is paired with a 1985 wine cooler.

I am sure I have shared too much of my personal opinions here, but I do agree with all the candidates on one issue, we have to find a way to make everything feel possible again and we need to stop feeling defeated as a country, we are the USA, the greatest country in the world.

Much LOVE and wine,


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