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My love for Pinot Noir is still growing!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

When it gets warm out, I find myself drinking more white wines and the lighter, the crisper, the better for my taste. It’s been really nice out and I started enjoying the pool a few weeks ago and though it is not summer yet our warm winter and early sunny days demanded I find the time to read by the water when I can. I love my Nook and I love the refreshing wine, they seem to contribute to a perfect Saturday afternoon.

Yesterday, I had the afternoon to myself and I found myself by the pool reading and I did not have a glass of wine with me….after I got over the shock of my mis-step, I walked into the kitchen and found I did not have any white wine that I felt like enjoying. I looked over and saw I had 4 Pinot Noirs’ slightly chilled and I thought, this will be a lovely alternative for today.

I don’t know why but this winter I really got into a rhythm of having Pinot Noir as a pairing with grilled meats and brie cheese. I hate it when I get in a rut. I threw caution to the wind and opened the Pinot Noir by Siduri and as soon as I took the first sniff, I fell in love again. The complex flavors and the light mouthfeel made me melt. I was in a good mood before I opened it, but I was instantly in a greater mood. I wrapped a chill sleeve around the bottle and headed back to the pool.

All the while I was reading another wine book, every sip I took reminded me of being in Willamette Valley and Russian River. I was not just delighted by the “lift” of the alcohol, I was feeling the joy of the beautiful wine and the memories of the places I have traveled and had the fortune to make wine in these exceptional locations. Both places are ideal for growing Pinot Noir, they are award winning wines and a challenging grape to grow.

If you have never tried a Pinot Noir, here’s what you might experience, on the nose, you will get ripe cherries and smokiness, think warm cherry pie by a campfire. This red wine will be lighter in color than a Merlot or Cab or most reds for that matter. This wine will have a much softer and lighter mouthfeel but you will still get the “dry” sensation in your mouth.

This grape is a still one of my favorite wines ever and if you want to try the Pinot Noir grape from France find a bottle of Burgundy…that is actually the grape Burgundy is made from!

I fell in love with the grape again yesterday by the pool, I hope you will try some for yourself!

Much LOVE and wine,


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