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Malibu Rocky Oaks wines served at Kim Kardashian’s wedding

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I have to admit a guilty pleasure for me is to watch Chelsea Lately each night at 10 o’clock. It is the most politically incorrect show ever and I think the “panel” she has on every night might be the funniest, most jaded and smartest people ever, plus she has her assistant Chuy and he is a little person with a thick Spanish accent who is a recovering alcoholic, how much more diverse can you really get. My favorite panelists are Ross Matthews, Loni Love and Jo Koy. If any or all of them are on that night, I am giggling for the next 15 minutes.

After her roundtable with the panelists, Chelsea normally has a guest from the music biz or movies and they talk about whatever strikes them. One night she had on the Kardashian sisters. I knew they had a show and since my stepson had Kim as his screen saver for his computer for about a year, I knew she was hot and could wear a bikini with pride, because every week when I would attempt to help him with dusting or trying to eliminate Mt. Clothing, I would see Kim K and he would discuss if Jessica Alba did not marry him, Kim K was his second option.

Anyway, as Chelsea Handler interviewed the Kardashian’s I was intrigued by how these women got famous and what was all the drama about. So I checked them out on the internet and found out all about their dad and the OJ trial, all about how their mom is the manager and married to Bruce Jenner and how they had clothing boutiques in LA and Miami, but their claim to fame was mostly Kim’s modeling and their mom seemed to have a real touch with creating a brand from their day to day life.

I am sad to say I was kinda hooked on finding out the story on them, I can not really watch the reality show, the constant bitching and scream is too much for my zenlike love of life, but I am more interested in how companies can cash in on having a Kardashian use their product. This last weekend Kim married and her wine of choice was Malibu Rocky Oaks wine. It is my understanding that her mama, Kris, fell in love with their Chardonnay a few years ago and has been buying cases of it since. I have never tried their wines or even heard of them up until now.

I went to the website of Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyard to check out their wines and see what I could find out…of course Kim’s photo is on the front page and so are all their wines. The place looks awesome and I can not wait to try the wines I ordered. They are sold out of Chardonnay until 2010 is released in October. The wines have won many awards and from the wine bloggers who’s reviews I have read the wines sound great. I am thrilled for the folks at Malibu Rocky Oaks wines, I am sure they are being flooded with orders and that many of the first time tasters of their wines will become loyal customers.

I am still in amazement how one influential person can launch more success than one can even hope for. If someone like Kim tweets, mentions you on the red carpet, or in an interview before you know it, the trend has started and you can be doing business or at least connecting with more people than you can imagine.

I will report back once I get to try Malibu Rocky Oaks Wines…and see if Kim and I have the same taste in wines. Also, now that my stepson missed the chance to marry Kim, Jessica and I forgot his love for Beyonce…I hope the next crush comes along he finally gets down on one knee.

Much LOVE and wine,


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