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Last Blog before I work the harvest in Chile!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I am writing this blog while packing and checking off all the things I will need while working the harvest on the other side of the equator. I have sunscreen, hat, gloves, flashlight, work boots and aspirin. I hope I have not over packed or under packed. I will be gone for at least 3 weeks and I have an open ended ticket so who knows when I will be ready to come back.

My trip starts out in Santiago, Chile and I will end up in the Santa Cruz area working with Lapostolle wines. I will be hands on involved in all aspects of the harvest. I plan on having purple hands, purple teeth and a huge smile at the end of each day! I bought a new flip cam so I can take videos, I hope I can figure out how to download the video’s to my blog or at least on my Facebook.

I love to travel and learn about cultures and eat with the locals and try all the local wines. It was my hope that when I went to France I would have had french food, but we were mostly in our group and did not get out to try the food. We did however try the wines! I also have been taking Spanish classes so the language might not be such a barrier. I have a big vocabulary and my tutor says I read and write spanish extremely well, but I am not a confident speaker at all….I have a southern accent, so I butcher most of the words and sentences.

I also have a week of seeing the country planned and will be taking in the museums, sites, vineyards, horseback riding, cooking class and of course a rodeo. Rodeo’s are great fun, I went to them as a kid growing up and I can not wait to feel the energy of the country.

I want to give a big shout out to my family and my financial adviser for all the love, direction and support for my dream to make wine as a full time gig. I will check in on Monday and you can follow my trip either here on my blog or friend me up on Facebook and watch the journey unfold!

Much LOVE and wine,


I was in France at our farmhouse, during the filming of PBS's The Winemaker's Season II

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