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I do not want a Muffin Top nor wear a bikini, but can I still drink wine?

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I was still enjoying the last of my chocolate Easter eggs and this AM I stepped on the scale and the word Eeek came out. After I gave the leftover candy to the neighbor boy, Liam, I thought I better back off the rich foods and start moving a little more than I eat, so I set out to see what I could make for dinner tonight and I thought grilled shrimp sounds nice, but what about wine?

I will not give up wine to lose weight or for any other reason. Well unless the Doctor says stop while you take this medicine. I can easily stop for a week or two but if I had to give it up for good, that would flat out suck. So I started thinking about eating lighter and pairing lighter foods with what I have in the cellar right now….I like to eat salad and as long as I stay away from the fatty, creamy dressing I can eat as much as I want….Bob Harper, on Biggest Loser,always says, nobody gets fat on iceberg lettuce and peppers!

I am having a milestone birthday this August and there will be a massive party and I want to feel as happy as possible and feeling weighed down, is not gonna work for me. But I have a ton of travel coming up and it’s hard to watch what I eat when folks are treating you to winemaker’s dinners and wine tasting events. So I thought I would share a few ways with you that I will use to try to be at my perfect healthy body before the big day in Vegas this summer.

Wine is about 100-120 calories a glass, white white is just a few calories less than red wine, but for me the trick is what am I going to eat with the wine. I have no thyroid and my body thinks it’s hungry all the time, so I really have to fool myself so I think I am satisfied. A big salad, lean protein and lots of water should be a great start and just enough carbs to keep me from feeling hungry…then I can step up my working out and I should be just fine.

The wines I like to pair with the lighter foods, tonight I will serve the Rose’ by Gundlach Bundschu, it is complex, yet light and will work perfectly with seafood and chicken in the next several months. If I am going to enjoy salads as a meal, I have to stock up on Venho Verde, this super light crisp wine will not fight the vinegar based dressing and since I like very little dressing on my greens, I should end up feeling full and happy not all unfulfilled.

I have no intention on wearing a bikini or tube top this summer, just want last year’s shorts to not give me the “muffin top” effect!

I have ranted enough today, I am headed to the gym! Not to worry, I am not hung up on how I look..it’s all about how I feel.

Much LOVE and wine,


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