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How’s the wine?

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning,

Last weekend we went to a sporting event and they served wine and my pal bought me a big glass of white wine. It was served in a clear plastic cup and they filled the glass to the very top. Those of you who enjoy a great bottle of wine, well, you already know where this is going. I took the glass and said thank you for thinking of me. I took a sip so the glass would not spill since it was sloshing around and I was not going to be a fan of the insects swarming my hands.

When I swallowed, I thought, WOW, this would make an amazing marinate, cause it makes a crappy wine. But my friend was so happy he looked at me and ask, How’s the wine? I was not about to kill his good time by saying you just threw away 10 bucks so I said it’s fine and we watched the ball sail through the hoop. After a while he was headed to grab another beer and said you want another wine? I said , I’m good. I slowly sipped the wine and started to think of all the things I could do with this wine to make it better.

Here is my list:

I have a barrel at home with Balsamic Vinegar in it, I could add the wine to it and it might fit right in.

I thought I could boil this wine and throw in some potatoes and make a super fancy potato salad like Ina Gartner would make.

I was thinking I could blend the acidic wine with a really, really oaky chardonnay and make a great balanced wine.

I thought about making class and using the wine to finish them off, with a squeeze of lemon.

I thought if I had a really creamy cheese like a brie or Gorgonzola I could pair them and they would be total opposites and they might work perfectly.

I thought if I had a sore throat I could gargle with it, it felt so high in alcohol, that might force the infection outta my throat.

I knew I could use this to clean my silver….I might be kidding about this one.

I could find a person on the street that is holding one of those signs that says will work for booze and hand it over.

But my biggest complaint is they serve crappy bulk wine at the Field house…or is my bigger complaint really that I am not seated in one of those really awesome suites where the celebs and players’ family are drinking up the good stuff?

I can not complain, I got to see the game for free and my team won and I got a free glass of wine!

Much LOVE and wine,


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