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How does the fermetation process get started? Here’s a video about yeast inoculation.

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I have been asked many time how is wine made and this is the key to starting the fermentation process, inoculation is when you activate the yeast to start it’s magic of converting the sugar in the juice into alcohol.
I made a video so you can see what it looks like.

It is kinda like tempering eggs (if you cook), you have to wake up the yeast by warming it up a bit and then you introduce it to the pressed juice which is only about 45 degrees…so you slowly add a bit of the juice until they are about 18-20 degrees apart in the temperature…if you added the yeast straight to the juice it would be too cold and the yeast would probably just die.

I hope this video shows you something you did not know before.

Much LOVE and wine,

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