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Are you on information overload? I think I just need a glass of wine and a book!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I was just wondering what the next “BIG” thing is gonna be. I was thinking 10 years ago only a handful of us had heard of the internet, 5 years ago Facebook was just becoming a known place to connect and 3 years ago, who is Twitter? What is next? I see a big surge in folks making their own homemade videos with these instantly uploading camera’s and this whole Google+ site seems to be getting a lot of attention, so maybe these are the next “BIG” things.

I LOVE information and I could read all day. I can and have lost hours of my life looking up obscure information, just to see if I could figure out how to make something or find cooking techniques that I may or may not ever use. I like to look up stuff about winemaking and read what the “Best” winemakers have to say. I have posted much information on my blog. I really love it when I post information from an expert and then another expert writes to me and says, that is a bunch of crap! I send them where I found the info and let them figure out who’s right.

The internet has made many people millionaires and the internet is filled with correct information and some real junk too. The internet is filled with X rated stuff and dogs riding skateboards. I love the babies who laugh for no reason and cats who do tricks, I love the fact that almost any moment in time can be found online. I went to the Newseum, in DC last year and it has me pondering what will be next. They said that media is instant history now. We can capture all and see it almost instantly.

I just returned from a long weekend of fun and was thinking, I have so many emails, blogs and articles to catch up on and I want to see all the latest wine shows on the internet and I need to see how my peeps on Twitter are doing…then I have phone calls to make. I am personally feeling a bit overwhelmed by the information and how quickly I can access it. Today, I feel like just reading a book about mindless beach romance and enjoy some wine. But I keep checking my email and updating Facebook….I might need a 12 step program to limit my data access!

How are you feeling about your information these days? I don’t want to complain because I love knowing and communicating with all my friends and peers so easily, but I just felt a little overwhelmed this morning!

Tomorrow I will discuss wine again! Thanks for being the best therapy I could ever have!

Much LOVE and wine,


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