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Best wine this weekend was from Slovenia!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I had a wine this weekend that surprised me; Pullus 2009 Sauvignon Blanc from Slovenia. I am pretty sure I had never had a wine from Slovenia and I was pretty sure, I was not certain where Slovenia is even located. I ordered this wine totally by accident. I ask the man sitting next to me what he was drinking and he said Sauv. Blanc and it was good. Well, I guess the bartender heard me say, I will have to try it sometime, and he just brought it over to me.

I ask to see the label and read a little bit of the label and thought, hmmm, I have no clue about the wines of Pullus or Slovenia. I found out Pullus is the oldest winery in Slovenia dating back to 1239 (that’s really old in my book). I did a quick search and found out they make Pinot Noir, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris and several other varietals. The price range was $15-35 on their wines and are easily found in wine shops and the grocery stores around here.

I have only tried the Sauv. Blanc but I will search out the others for future fun and tastings. The 2009 Sauvignon Blanc has a steely sharpness with out being “pointy”. I am not sure that is a wine term, but if you have had a white wine that is too acidic you will know that feeling in your mouth when a white wine is out of balance and the wine is too sharp. As I sat there enjoying the wine, I ordered, spinach dip and the two worked nicely, the creaminess of the cheese and the bitterness of the spinach was cut easily by the wine. As I was thinking about pairings, I thought of several fish dishes that would be awesome. I would make Tilapia broiled with lemon…that would be an amazing flavor profile with this wine.

I am going to be on the hunt for Slovenia wines and will do some research on the area and as I educate myself about the wines and culture, I will keep you posted!

Much LOVE and wine,


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