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Finding a wine is like finding a job!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

Many of you who follow my blog know that before I ever started making wine in the basement I was an executive recruiter and I was pretty successful in my career. And some of you might say, so you were a headhunter, what’s that got to do with wine? Well, maybe nothing and maybe everything. Recruiting is all about asking questions and listening for answers or if someone does not know what they really want, you have to take a deeper dive into questions to help them better understand what they want or need out of their next career move.

So in recruiting I would have ask one of my candidates this question. If you could paint me a picture of your perfect job, what would it look like?

Candidate’s answer: I want to be the Plant Manager of a high volume, lean manufacturing automotive supplier in the Midwest. I would prefer a non-union environment, and I would need to make at least $150,000 per year and be provided a company vehicle.

Ok, so from what their response, I can ask some deeper questions, Like, if I have a position of Plant Manager of a plastics plant that makes consumer goods would you consider that opportunity if all the rest of your desires are met. We would talk many times and as I had clients with positions that are a good fit, we would discuss each one until we found the career move that makes sense for the client and the candidate….everyone wins and this process can take 2 weeks and it can take 2 years. You have to be willing to ask lots of questions and expect everyone to learn something new during the process.

Why is recruiting like finding wines? I was at a wine tasting with several wine reps and each had a different style. One guy poured samples and once the person took a sip, he ask if they liked it and if they wanted to purchase a few bottles. Bold, direct and intimidating but his sales style must work for him, he was moving product.

The next table the guy was so busy telling everyone what they were tasting and why this wine was perfect for them to have as their “House” wine. If this rep was a recruiter his discussion with the candidate would sound like this….Well, this opportunity is the only one I have found in a long time, I would take it if I were you, it’s a tough market and at least you will be with a “solid” company.

The next guy served a sample and when I said I liked it, he said, what about this wine speaks to you…well, I said, I like the aroma, I like the mouth feel…etc…He had completely engaged me in talking myself into why I had to buy a few bottles…good sales technique. I used to ask a candidate after an interview, why do you think you would be the best candidate for the company to hire…they would sell themselves on the job, I did not have to work at closing them.

Then I watched the last rep, she was savvy and smart with her approach. A woman walked up and really just wanted to try the free wine. She ask her was she making something special for dinner or was there an occasion, or if she just wanted to try the wine. The woman bravely said, I don’t know much about wine. And the rep took her time and ask a few more questions, about when she liked to drink wine, what wine she has had in the past she enjoyed, what she was eating….etc…by the time the rep was done with a woman who normally only bought Chardonnay on sale, she had helped the woman buy 2 bottles and what she should make with the wine to really enjoy them together. Then the woman ask for her card so they could talk about how the dinner and her family enjoyed the wines.

This rep has a wine friend for life! So instead of this woman leaving with her normal 2 bottle of Kendall Jackson Vinter’s Reserve Chardonnay, she left with a dry Riesling and an Italian Pinot Grigio.

Here are some questions I would ask someone who wants to try some new wines to help them find wines that work for them!

Is there one wine brand or grape varietal you have enjoyed in the past that you seem to always be drawn to?

Are you enjoying the wine with food or just sipping? If yes, ask about the food and how it is prepared.

Do you have wine often? how often?

Have you tried whites, reds and sparklings? Do you “prefer” one more than others?

Do you like spicy, savory or sweeter meals when you dine out?

Are you adventurous or more safe with your palate? What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten?

With just a few questions and depending on the answers I can help guide them through to at least a few grape varietals that might just open their eyes.

These are just my thoughts on asking lots of questions and finding a wine shop or a wine rep who gets to know your palate and reasons for enjoying wine.

Much LOVE and wine,


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