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Do you like Reds or Whites better?

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

For some reason this week, I have met a lot of new people and when they ask what I do for a living and they find out I make wine or “host grapes”, each person has followed with the question, so do you like reds or whites better? I think I have brought this up before, but I wanted to address this again.

My answer is really simple, it depends on the situation. I don’t favor reds over whites or whites over reds… I don’t prefer dry over sweet or still over bubbles. The great thing about wine is I have so many options and the only way I get bored is if I just drink the same thing all the time. For years I owned multiple vehicles and I did not prefer one over the other, but I drove the Lexus when I would have people with me because it was 4 doors and when I went to the grocery, I took the truck, because getting the bags out of the back was easier. That does not mean that I never had passengers in the truck, but each situation I had a choice and I was blessed with two options.

I guess if I were on a desert island and only had one choice of what I could drink for the rest of my days I would want champagne. I really like Moet…so there is my forever answer! But now I am sad, because all my choices are gone and I am stuck on an island. Though the optimist in me is really excited I have a life times supply of something great to drink and I am not stuck without a corkscrew!

I hope you all have a great weekend! We are having a heatwave and a girls weekend of fun so my stories next week might very well be margarita filled adventures!

Much LOVE and wine,


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