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Veraison has started and I am excited!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I got a call from the grower where I buy grapes for my wine and he said well, it has started. He is talking about veraison. Veraison is the point in the grape growing season where the little green clusters of berries change color and either turn, red, yellow or whatever color the variety. This season is later than many seasons in the past, they think that is because it has been a wetter spring and a cooler summer.

Next in this process is called “hang time” that is what the time between veraison until harvesting the grapes. The longer the hang time the greater the fruit’s depth and complexity. Perfectly ripe grapes will produce superior, long-aging wines. But if the hang time is too long, the overripe grapes will affect the flavors and aromas of the finished wine.

So this time of year is pivotal for the vineyard manager. He is watching and monitoring all the vines and soil to make sure the sugars are developing to create a perfect finished wines. The vineyard manager and the winemaker are many times the same person, but if this winery has two people who oversee these roles, they are talking constantly.

Back at the wineries cellar, they are starting to prepare the cellar for the new grapes and this year’s vintage. They are bottling and cleaning tanks and barrels and preparing for all the fun that is harvest.

Currently, my first vintage is in tanks and barrels getting ready to be bottled and my second vintage is doing it’s thing…hang time until the grapes are ready to live out it’s wine destiny!

I am fired up. I can not wait for you to enjoy it. and I will be thrilled to have the first release out of the way so I can write even ore about what it is I have learned in the process.

Have an awesome weekend! I am thinking bubbles in the glass and sometime grilling by the pool.

Much LOVE and wine,


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