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And the winner is…Wine Blogger Awards!

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

Over the weekend the Wine Blogger’s conference was held in Virginia. I followed all my favorite bloggers and wino’s on Twitter while they met, went they tasted, when they were having fellowship late into the night and all the break out sessions at the conference. It was great fun to “follow” the events and to understand what it was they were experiencing. I am constantly reading blogs of all sorts. I really love the wine related blogs and the business related blogs as well.

I am constantly inspired to understand wines the way many of these bloggers do. I want to taste what they taste and see if I agree. I aspire to write in such an elegant way, I hope some day to convey my thoughts as easily as they do. My biggest problem is I write just like I speak… sometimes unfocused and unfiltered. I never planned on blogging about my wine adventure, but I found that if I capture my thoughts it really helps me better understand what it is I am learning about making wine, understanding what I taste and how to launch a business.

There are several wine blogs I follow. I love 1winedude.com, I follow the video blogs of Gary Vaynurchuk, I love to read the blog Fermentation, by Tom Wark and many more…these are my favorites.

Here is the complete list of winners:

Best Wine Blog Graphics, Photography, & Presentation Winner: Vino Freakism

Best Industry/Business Wine Blog Winner: Fermentation

Best Wine Reviews on a Wine Blog Winner: Enobytes

Best Single Subject Wine Blog Winner: New York Cork Report

Best Winery Blog Winner: Tablas Creek

Best Writing On a Wine Blog Winner: Vinography

Best New Wine Blog Winner:Terroirist

Best Overall Wine Blog Winner: Fermentation

If you are looking for some blogs to follow, check these out. I learn something new everyday from these folks. My goal everyday is to learn something new about wine, business or about myself. Then my next goal is to share that with anyone who wants to follow my journey. I will never win an award for blogging, I am not consistent and I barely remember to run spell check. But anytime, anyone is picked out by their peers as the best, I will study what they do, so I can improve myself.

Much LOVE and wine,


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