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I ask for direction and I heard the answers from a Coyote and a wine cork.

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

Every morning I wake up around 5 AM and pray and brush my teeth and plan my day. I have been doing this for years and today was no different. I ask for direction and I think I listen for answers. There have been points in my life that have been crystal clear and there have been times of total confusion. I find I am most happy when I am working towards a goal and I am sure that is true for most folks.

Today, was just like most mornings but I felt myself ask with more assertiveness “Help me do everything I approach with great pleasure and full gusto”. I thought to myself, I have felt a bit flat about life and I don’t ever want to take anything for granted…so I wanted to make sure I am staying connected to life and living with that fire in the belly feeling.

After my morning routine, I head out to the gym or to hike or just a long heart rate raising walk. I decided to hike today in a new area and as I walked a coyote was dead ahead. We both stopped and he looked at me for a second and I think I scared him as much as he scared me and he took off running. My heart rate was all over the place. Man, did I ever feel alive! I started walking again and after a bit I was refocused on my path and moving along I see something on the ground and leaned over to pick it up and it was a cork from a wine bottle. I am in the middle of nowhere Texas and I find a wine cork? This is funny to me for a number of reasons, but I see it has some words on it and I wiped the dirt off and it is a Robert Mondavi Private Selection cork and on the side it says “Whatever you do, pour yourself into it” Robert Mondavi.

Well, as always life can be full of mystery and sometimes it can be very clear with it’s message. Today I had these two reminders, one being a coyote and the other being of all things a wine cork….I heard this message loud and clear…Be aware and excited by all new things in life and whatever I do in life I need to pour myself into it without a fear.

Good have an awesome day and tomorrow I will gab about wine again…today I got side tracked!

Much LOVE and wine,


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