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Chardonnay, why wait until your 40 or a Cougar?

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I think one of the most underrated wines in the world is Chardonnay. I got sad last night while following Twitter and I read a bunch of folks were calling it “Cougar” juice. If you care not familiar with the term Cougar…it is a woman who likes younger men. I think women with a flare for younger men are looking for more excitement and less predictability, maybe that translates into their favorite white wines too, No or Yes?

I started doing a bit of research and when you do find the data it does support the this stereotype to some degree. Most consistent Chardonnay consumers are at least 40, female and have college degree. I then read that Chardonnay is the number one planted white wine grape varietal in the US, that makes sense because Americans do not plant what they can not sell. Then I read many other whites are starting to sell like wildfire here in the states, like, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc just to name a few.

I was reading that Chardonnay got really popular when Kendall-Jackson changed up their Chardonnay when started calling it Vinter’s Reserve and they would make sure the wine was fermented with just a hint of residual sugar so it had a softer almost sweet finish. I also read that all Chardonnay really went over the top for most palates when the California winemakers started fermenting and finishing their wines in oak barrels and the wine had become soooo overoaked, it was not what the average drinker wanted out of a Chardonnay.

Many of the big buttery oaky Chardonnay’s still sell very well and people love them. Chardonnay is not going anywhere, people drink it up! But the trend is for more tasting the grapes not the barrel. Another way to impart new flavors in a wine is by the yeast the winemakers decide to use in each batch of wine. I learned a lot years back about using yeast with very specific characteristics. Keep in mind many winemakers use the natural yeasts that are already on the grapes, but some choose the yeasts for different reasons. As a winemaker you can better perdict how the yeast will perform if you choose a yeast instead of relying on the natural yeasts and you can also pick the yeasts to really complement your wine.

I spent some time with my friends at Scott Labs and they are the experts in yeast. I found out I could find a yeast that might bring in a really banana aroma, or a yeast I choose can really add structure and flavors that might be lacking in a weaker vintage of grapes. One year I bought several tons of grapes that were not as ripe as I was originally lead to believe, but once Scott labs and I sat down we discussed what was missing in the wine and found a yeast that would at least not highlight the weakness in my grapes.

The new wave of Chardonnay winemakers are going au natural. They are fermenting and aging in stainless steel and all you get is the naked truth of the Chardonnay grapes. It is crisp, clean and really is perfect for any occasion. I hope you will look for unoaked Chardonnay and give it a try. I just did not want everyone to think Chardonnay was for ladies looking for fun, but I do admire a woman who knows what she likes and goes for it!

Much LOVE and wine,


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