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Wine at the ballgame?

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

This is the wine I love taking to the ballgames! Lapostolle Sauv

Good Morning!

I have a challenge and I am looking at how to solve it. I love wine, I drink wine all time and many of my friends are beer drinkers. That is really not the problem, unless we have enjoyed too much of either beverage. I love sports, mostly college sports and the events are all NCAA sanctioned so they serve no alcohol at any of the venues. Can I go without drinking wine, YES, but why?

When we go to football games we tailgate, that seems to be really acceptable in all parts of the US. I have tailgated at Indiana University, Purdue, Michigan, Texas, Ohio State, Tennessee, Cal, Stanford and UCLA. Everyone has these crazy cool tailgating traditions, massive grills, custom recreational vehicles, many have these pop up tents and most have the team names or at least in the color of their favorite school. I have seen chef level presentations on the food and kegs of beer and specialty drinks being served.

I rarely see anyone enjoying wine. Maybe it seems stuffy or maybe carrying around a stemmed glass seems to high end at that type of event. I bring all this up because, over the years I have been at games and just brought beer because of peer pressure. I can get away with bringing champagne if I wait to open it after the game, I really did not want to wait that long to enjoy the bubbles. This weekend I will be in Austin, TX for the Women’s NCAA regional softball tournament. I want to enjoy my wine without feeling like I am the odd man out. There will be around 8 games in 2 days and time in between the games I want to go to the car, pull out my tailgating kit (includes, cheeses, meats, fruits and all kinds of wines) and enjoy myself.

I can get on board with popcorn, hot dogs and cokes for a game or two but an entire weekend eating that crap will do nothing for my bathing suit self esteem. So, I am going to buck the normal tradition and take some great wines to relax with. I hope to start a wave of wine loving folks bringing out the Cabernet or Sauvignon Blanc to the games. I have found that there are a few plastic wine bottle producers and I have ordered a couple of cases of the screw top plastic bottles and I transfer my wines into the shatter resistant bottles and though I miss the process of getting out the corkscrew and opening the bottle, and at least I feel better about the wine not being bumped around and getting dropped on the ground.

Anyway, the softball world’s series starts in Oklahoma City on June 2nd and if one of my favorite teams makes it to the final 8, I will take a drive up for a few days and will pack my wines and hopefully find some new friends to hang out in between the games with. It will be 100 degrees in the shade and since I will be cheering and stressing during the games, I will need a glass of wine to relax with.

Much LOVE and wine,


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