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Watching American Idol, am I too old for this?

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

Last night as I watched American Idol, I felt moved to call in and vote for a young lady named Thia. Her voice, her background story and her energy spoke to me. It took what seemed to be 1000 calls before I got through and when I finally did get to “vote” for her I had such a sense of accomplishment. It dawned on me this show is really targeted toward the 12-30 crowd and I am way past that age bracket.
So when I posted on my Facebook page I had voted and felt just a bit silly getting caught up in the hype of it all at my age, I got a huge surprise. I received a flood of responses saying how every vote I make is changing someone’s life, I had to stop and read all the posts.

Facebook “friends” are sometimes people you actually know and sometimes they are folks you meet through shared friends and interests and because they have never met you, they will say things with no filter, because they have no fear in the outcome. I love that. They are less judgmental, more encouraging, and quick to point out the good in your deeds….at least the “friends” I have on Facebook are and for that I am grateful.

Here I am poking fun at myself for watching a teen show and my pals are inspired that I am helping someone else achieve their dreams. I bring this up because I am so blessed that so many folks want to see me succeed and they tell so all the time. I have 499 folks on my “buyers” list for day one when my wine will be ready for purchase. I have folks write to me all the time asking when I might travel to their area so I can help them host a tasting, or speak to their group about social media, or to interview me on their radio and TV shows to talk about what my experience was like doing a reality show or launching a new business.

So after my last post, I am no longer going to look at the nights I spend watching Idol as relaxing in front of the TV, I will give it my all and know I am supporting the dreams of others. I think the old saying about change the way you look at things and then you will change the way you feel about things…is hitting me smack in the face this morning!

Thank you friends for yet again reminding me how perfect life is!

Much LOVE and wine,


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