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More wine terms of endearment…

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

I had a friend ask me a few wine questions and I thought I would share with you my findings.

Terms that might confuse when talking about wine.

Dry-though most folks think this means that feeling that puckers in the sides of your tongue and mouth. What dry means is the wine has gone through an entire fermentation and there is no sugar left. Meaning no residual sugar in the finished wine.

Sweet-many think of the cloying sweet wines with a heavy mouthfeel. Sweet in terms of wine means that the fermentation stopped while amounts of residual sugar is still in the wine.

Estate wine- This means that the wine in the bottle is made on the property that is owned by the company or winery who bottles and labels the wine. It is perceived that these wines are very high quality.

Reserve-this term on a wine made in the United States has no legal meaning, kinda like the word, New on a food label. But for many winemakers they are serious about using free run juice or their best grapes for these wines they label Reserve.

Free Run juice- this term is used when all the grapes are in the vessel and the grapes rupture from the weight of the other grapes and the juice flows from them…once you get the first run juice, then you start pressing the grapes and that will create first pressed juice/wine.

Much LOVE and wine,


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