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4th bracket of March Madness Red, White and Pinks???

Posted in News
by Tammi Ramsey

Good Morning!

This category is totally confusing to me and so I expect you might be as well. This 4th and final region of my wine tournament and I have tasted over 1600 wines throughout the past year and picking 64 wines that rocked my world was hard, really hard. I narrowed it down to 200 wines pretty quickly and then down to 100 quickly just using the philosophy that only use wines that are easier to find, so if you want to find these wines you could. Many of the wines I tried I really only got to experience because it was in a private cellar or someone was hosting a tasting with a rep of some pretty pricey wines. I have a small cellar of what I think are really great and affordable wines. The most expensive bottles are a few that might be over $200.

I think there is so much great wine at affordable prices out there and honestly, I am on a budget, we have a son in college and with launching a business keeps me watching my pennies. So, I try to keep my wines affordable and findable, if that is even a word!

These wines could have been in different regions but just did not fit, they are in no specific order and not in any way organized from red to white or grape varietal. What I learned about my palate with these wines…well, I really have a love for the grape Pinot Noir and I am constantly stretching my white wine palate!

2006 Guitian Valdeorras Godello (White) from Spain $20.00

1989 Chateau Suduirant Sauternes (White) France $67.00

2001 Stefano Inama Vulcaia, Fume, Sauvignon Blanc (White) from Italy $32.00

2007 Slowine Rose’ (Pink) South Africa $13.00

2005 Val Llach Embruix Priorat (Red) Spain $34.00

2007 Eroica Riesling (White) Washington $22.00

2009 Veramonte Ritual Pinot Noir, (Red) Casablanca Valley, Chile $20.00

2007 Darting Durkhiemer Riesling (White) Germany $17.00

2004 Muga Rioja Reserva (Red) Spain $24.00

2004 Malvira Roero Arneis Saglietto (White) Italy $30.00

2003 Stonier Estates Reserve Chardonnay (White) Australia $35.00

2005 Louis Martini Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve (Red) California $27.00

2006 Cristom Jefferson Cuvee Pinot Noir (Red) Willamette Valley, Oregon $30.00

2005 Chamonix Chardonnay Reserve (White) South Africa $40.00

2005 Matetic EQ Pinot Noir (Red) Chile

2005 Foris, Rogue Valley Maple Ranch Pinot Noir (Red) Rogue Valley, Oregon $45.00

I was surprised how international my tastes have become and how diverse my “textures” have become, from crisp, light Rieslings, to warmer, heavier Chardonnay’s and vibrant Pinot’s to massive Cabernet…I love where my mouth and taste buds are taking me these days!

All of these wines have a great story behind them and I love them all for different reasons, but the wine that wins this bracket for me I tasted while I was standing on the most magnificent veranda in Casablanca Valley while I was in Chile. I was with my family and friends after I finished harvest and they came to visit the country with me and I just remember this wine as tasting like my life was perfect, I was successful, I had found a moment in life that could not be any better.

Winner hands down is Veramonte Ritual Pinot Noir…$20 a bottle and I was in a state of pure bliss…I will never forget that day, that moment and the wine that joined in the experience.

Tomorrow, I will put the four finalists together and let their stories, experiences and flavors slug it out! I love basketball and I love wine…this is my favorite time of the year!

Much LOVE and wine,


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